近日,世界知名地产设计大奖 The International Property Awards(国际地产设计大奖)于伦敦时间2022年6月23日在伦敦万豪罗夫纳广场公布获奖名单。GND恩嘉设计参赛作品在成千上万个作品中脱颖而出,荣膺2022-2023 IPA国际地产设计大奖亚太区优胜作品大奖!这份难得的殊荣也同属于业主单位及相关合作单位。
About The International Property Awards
IPA国际地产大奖始于1993年,由国际房地产组织举办,奖项面向全球各地的住宅和商业地产专业人士开放,以此表彰房地产公司所取得的最高成就,具有“房地产界奥斯卡”的美誉。获奖项目代表着最受全球房地产界专业认可的顶尖水准。历来获奖得主堪称设计典范,如伦敦海德公园一号、迪拜阿玛尼酒店、悉尼One Barangaroo等。
The International Property Awards are open to residential and commercial property professionals from around the globe. They celebrate the highest levels of achievement by companies operating in all sectors of the property and real estate industry. An International Property Award is a world-renowned mark of excellence.
The Asia Pacific Property Awards are judged by an independent panel of over 80 industry experts. Judging focuses on design, quality, service,innovation, originality, and commitment to sustainability. The judging panel is chaired by Lord Caithness, Lord Best, and Lord Waverley, members of the Houseof Lords in the UK Parliament.
The design was originally intended to provide a space for guests to truly relax and unwind. As a whole, the space presents a fresh and light atmosphere, in which guests can have both taste buds’ enjoyment and vacation-like relaxation. The style of the plant is mainly presented with light-color washed wood series furniture, which is matched with clean creamy white and large saltatory orange colors, adding flowing colors and sense of vitality to the space. The interaction between the plants and the light and shadow makes the space imbued with a sense of vitality and air.
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Website: http://www.gnd.hk/
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